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Coaching is the process that allows the coach to assist you on your journey of self-discovery by providing motivation and encouragement. You create goals that are specific to what you want to accomplish. The experience is one of increased creative awareness and a more balanced lifestyle.

Wellness coaching involves renegotiating the pieces of your life to better suit your growth and mental wellness. We will look at how well you are handling the pressures integrating daily work, home and personal time to alleviate the stress.


                                                                         Wellness Coaching


Do you remember being a kid watching jugglers and wondering how they kept all of those balls in the air without dropping one?  Like you, I was amazed; I even attempted it a few times but was unsuccessful, maybe if I had practiced more I could have gotten the hang of it.   We all are much like the juggler, trying to keep all of the "balls" in your life, such as children, love relationships, parents, work, friends, community - all in constant rotation but can find it hard to attend to all them all equally.  The one we usually drop is ourselves; creating distress or discomfort and sometimes disease.  Often the difficulty you are experiencing is a result of your life not being in alignment. Whether it be from not successfully integrating all of the pieces of your life and work in a way that allows you time to enjoy them; to having feelings of being 'stuck' and not being able to move forward, thus creating an overall feeling of disharmony. Wellness encompasses many different aspects of an individuals’ lifestyle; I can help you align those things that you require in your life.

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